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About the Project

In modern Europe where there have recently been dividing lines between the countries, an interstate structure has appeared which is based on achievements of the civilization. The former USSR is doomed to be dissolved completely, which is a historical challenge. Process of disintegration of this geopolitical monster for different reasons can last for decades.

There are forces in Russia which now prevent the integration of the country into the world economic system. They stick to the stiffened ideas of state and democracy, not noticing the new, information epoch in which destinies of people will be more important than destinies of oligarchical and bureaucratic structures. The leaders of modern Russia do not know and do not want to know another way out except for preservation of illusive stability of the empire. The stability leading people to the precipice.

In an information society the person gets a new role. A role which he has been deprived of from the moment of the civilization establishment, a role which only the state used to play. On the different sides of the border of civilizations the level of development of democracy varies, but there is something that unites neighbours. It is the certain dependence of citizens on the state and its bureaucratic machine. But Europe has historically developed so, that the state serves the person while in Russia it is trying to swallow up the person, having subordinated him to its structures and the purposes.

However the system of mutual relations between the states, suplemented by pluss and minuses of democracy with establishment of an information society ceases to be effective from the humanitarian point of view. It is especially true for a catching up civilization. Absorption of countries which are late forever goes on constantly, only motivations of the process are different.

The establishment of the international network community of intellectuals on the border of civilizations within the framework of network megaregion allows us to transform the relationships between people who are on the differentsides of borders to a completely different level. A level on which contacts between professionals in humanitarian fields of knowledge occur without intermediaries, without grants, without officials, without the ministries and finally without the states. External and internal policy of the state which used to be accessible only to the elite becomes accessible to everyone. The traditional foreign policy becomes a network foreign policy.

The project is created for independent intellectual influence on public opinion and traditional state institutes of network megaregion with the purpose of a creating safer conditions for people living in its one part and an opportunity to survive and develop - in the other.

The main feature of the project is that its realization does not depend on means of numerous foreign funds with their bureaucratic machine and with bureaucratic requirements to grant holders. Neither it depends on means of the state structures, special services and criminal authorities. Unfortunately, funds, being engaged in self-censorship, take into account diplomatic relations with Russia and give means basically on projects of cultural and educational character, realizing thus the interests of their states. This prolongs the agony of the empire and stabilizes the state of continuous human tragedy. And public organizations which are doomed for eternal standing with a stretched hand, the faithful attitude to the empire and loyalty to grant-giving funds , receive huge sums of money but can never approach the construction of the bases of the civil society in Russia.

The basis of this project is the greatest possible financial independence. Thus, the personal civil initiative of organizers and participants of the project is the base for formation of new international relationships in the network megaregion, based on trust, professionalism, the responsibility and the spirit of good will.

Introduction Mega Region Structure Contacts RUSSIAN
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The last update: 05.07.16

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